Right as he was close enough to grab the scythe back, he merely jumped back gracefully as he pulled each of the six strings. then from every direction, the strings seemed to enclose around the scythe wielder. the metal wires were connected to supporting objects all round tenchi's area when he made the surrounding attack that one time, then when he pulled the strings, each object had broken, releasing from all directions, wires to tangle this guy. No one had been able to dodge this web entanglement.
Though, tenchi wasn't finished. he then raised, for the first time, his gunblade and aimed it at makai as he glided through the wires that were behind him. he aimed it at both his knee caps with expert aim and percission. this would completely take his movement away if he made contact, and he thought he would. the bullets could shoot through nearly every metal, even steel and they shot and amazing speeds.